You know a little about the poker scene and are looking for a small part-time job as a freelancer or something long-term? Do you like to work on the computer and from your home office?
Then be in touch with us, because we are always interested to grow our international team. What we are always looking for are people who are interested in writing articles/news for us, with free time allocation, topic selection, etc. We are also open to any kind of cooperation. So if you have any ideas, be in touch with us
What criteria should you meet?
- English as a mother language
- Good understanding of poker and poker terminology.. You should already know how the game works, know the rules, have some gaming experience, know what rakeback is, how a poker room works and what rakeback races, freerolls and things like that are. Nobody needs to be an expert, but the normal basics should be there
- Flexibility in terms of working hours and motivated
- Interested in working in an international team
- Skype (Very important)
Are you interested?
Email us at or add us in Skype at vip-yourpokerdream for a short chat. We look forward to your message, and maybe you will soon be part of our team.