Increasingly, online poker rooms are looking for different ways to make the game more entertaining for poker fans, a prime example being Spin & Go tournaments. Such formats add randomness to the game and thus give players a chance to win a large amount of money even at the lowest stakes, and without an advanced set of skills. GGPoker endeavours to appeal to the masses in a similar way, but the approach is slightly different in that the focus is on cash games rather than tournaments – namely, Cash Drops.

Cash Drops are available across all tables featuring Rush & Cash games, GG’s version of the popular fast-fold format. Cash Drops can happen at any time and, importantly, if you’re lucky enough to be a recipient, can be worth anywhere between 10 and 600 big blinds! In this detailed GGPoker Cash Drops guide we take a closer look at this feature.

GGPoker Cash Drops Explained

GGPoker is deservedly considered to be arguably the most forward-thinking online poker room, and Cash Drops, while not necessarily original, is another nice touch, especially given the context of Cash Games. Taking what has become a modern online poker format in the form of Rush & Cash and modifying it by adding a bit of randomness and additional cash is what sets GGPoker apart from other operators. For players to know that whenever they join a Rush & Cash table they could be in line for a Cash Drop makes the game even more attractive. The timing is random, as is the size of the actual Cash Drop… 10 big blinds isn’t something to be sniffed at, while 600 would be a juicy bankroll boost!

The amount of a Cash Drop plays a role in how it will be distributed. For example, if the amount is small, it will be added to the pot and whoever wins that hand will derive some extra value from it. If the bonus is large enough, the money will be added to your stack straight away. Therefore, you have a choice between continuing to play or getting up and leaving with your cash and chips. Needless to say, smaller Cash Drops will occur much more frequently than gigantic ones. However, if you manage to hit a rare Cash Drop worth 600 big blinds, then you are in for an exciting and rewarding experience.

You may wonder where exactly does the Cash Drop money come from. Unfortunately, GGPoker is not so generous as to give its money away for free. Cash Drops are funded directly by the players. For example, one big blind is added to the Cash Drop pool from every pot that exceeds 30 big blinds. Note that this amount does not include the regular rake paid at GGPoker tables. Therefore, you are paying a small amount of money for an opportunity to pick up a Cash Drop. To recreational, occasional players it might seem like a negligible price to pay for such a potentially significant gain. However (not least due to the fast nature of the Rush & Cash format), these fees do tend to accumulate in the long-term for regulars and grinders and those who spend a lot of time at the tables. Such players can rack up hundreds or even thousands of hands every day, so the ‘cost’ does indeed add up but, on the other hand, regulars have a much higher chance of getting the Cash Drop. Overall, then, it seems reasonable to conclude that the Cash Drop feature should appeal to everyone.

Pros and Cons of Cash Drops

Cash Drops are in the main appreciated by most players, but some, such as the more serious regulars, are not supportive of this particular feature. In order to understand the topic better, let’s look at the key pros and cons of Cash Drops.

Cash Drops Reduce the Skill Factor

The vast majority of regulars and serious grinders are not very supportive of online poker rooms introducing more random elements. The main reason behind this is that whenever an operator introduces such a feature it gives everyone an equal chance of winning and thus reduces the role of skill. Consequently, many grinders on GGPoker have been critical of Cash Drops. This can be seen in other poker rooms, too – many regulars disapprove of Spin & Go tournaments on PokerStars, for example. However, poker operators cannot overlook the perspective of their (majority) casual player base. And this leads us to the main pro of Cash Drops.

Cash Drops are Good for the Poker Economy and “Ecosystem”

Casual players are an important part of poker’s player pool. In many cases, they form the majority of users, especially at GGPoker, which focuses more on recreational players than hardcore grinders. The logic here is that those who play for fun can get bored quite easily by doing the same thing; even if they are not losing. In the worst-case scenario, the poker room can lose its clients to other operators or even other forms of online gambling. It’a mainly for this reason that GGPoker have gone to such efforts in order to make their room more attractive to casual players. Cash Drops were designed with the purpose of making standard games of poker more exciting and unpredictable. They can also motivate some players to return to GGPoker and start playing there again. After all, they can get lucky and receive a hefty payout without putting much money at risk.

If we think about it in broader terms, players who do get lucky and win will usually spread this cash around in other poker games at the website. And that, in turn, directly benefits the poker operator.

Even though Cash Drops are likely to reduce the skill factor in the short term, it is hard to deny that they bring in a lot of money to the poker room.

How to Get the Most Value out of Cash Drops

As we mentioned earlier, smaller Cash Drops are added to the pot, while larger payouts are added directly to players’ stacks. There is no doubt that skilled players will still dominate these tables, with regulars more likely to win these larger cash drops. Unfortunately, there are no concrete rules regarding what is considered to be a small or large Cash Drop but, given that smaller pots are quite frequent, you will have many opportunities to fight for some extra cash.

It is also important to remember that Cash Drop tables will help earn Fish Buffet points, so you can get even more rewards while playing this fast-fold poker format. This compensates for the small extra fee. By adjusting your strategy, you can make these tables a promising, profitable proposition.

Cash Drops Strategy

It can be tricky adjusting strategy to Cash Drops, and especially tricky because it requires a different approach to calculating risk. Whenever you see a Cash Drop added to the pot, you need to take that money into account when making your decisions. Because Cash Drops at GGPoker can increase a pot’s value considerably, you will have to be a little more aggressive than usual.

Let’s take a look at a typical situation. You have 100 big blinds, and 70 big blinds are added to the pot thanks to a Cash Drop. With this amount of money in the pot, it is a good idea to try to steal with a wide range of hands. Let’s imagine that you are going all-in with 100 big blinds. Therefore, the overall pot is 270 big blinds (100 + 100 + 70), equating to odds of 2.7 to 1, which is great value.

In most cases it is worth making a play for such large pots. The trick when these spots present themselves is to take on a more aggressive approach that outweighs the potential risks. With this in mind, you should be willing to widen your range. Note that other players will also take on a more aggressive approach. Essentially, being prepared to get your hands dirty with a view to getting lucky is simply the nature of Cash Drop, Fast-fold poker.

Final Thoughts

It is fair to say that Cash Drops are a great addition to GGPoker. They provide more excitement for casual players, but regulars also have an opportunity – through skill – to derive extra value from inflated pots. Such poker formats make the room more popular and attract more players, thus aiding the continuing development of the game and, with it, the poker economy.

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Author: Georgy
last updated 27.02.2022